29 October 2010

Download FlashGet-Mini v1.4.0.1052 Black

Download: FlashGetMini-v1.4.0.1052-custom-dark.exe 2.46 MB

Download: Dark_skin.rar

- remove stats send to urls (mstat.flashget.com, s4area.flashget.com:8083, stat*...clientaction) see http://code.google.com/p/hostsx/source/browse/trunk/AcrylicHosts.txt
- remove ShareURL Service (* /fg4/sul,...)
- remove invalid url's (,...)
- Trackers & BT related left as is in btcoreu.dll they are:
torrent.info, bt.5qzone.net,,, btmitan.3322.org, btmitanl.3322.org, btfans.3322.org, bt.cnxp.com, bt.gamesir.com, router.flashget.com, router.167bt.com, router.167bt.com:554, router.lanspirit.net, router.bittorrent.com, btinfo.flashget.com, nat.flashget.com
- use Google for file search (type %20 instead of space between words - space breaks into 2 browser windows open bug)
- remove unused res in flashget program exe (skins are used)
- compact gfx (bmp rle, png's)
- reduce program size
- rebuild exe and setup without 3th party toolbar install
- several setup types with without tcpip patch, upnp tool, bho click catcher
- add Firefox 4 working extension link
- add DM-Bridge oGet for Google Chrome extension link
- changed Skin
- reduce uninstaller file size

Official Changelog:

Version: FlashGetMini v1.4.0.1052

Review: new kernel
Review: new Blue ui
Review: interface details of the changes (bt user list)

Version: FlashGetMini v1.4.0.1048

Review: Security Center, optimizing the search interface to respond to anti-virus software.
Review: Copy URL to Clipboard, to ensure that only a new dialog box.
Modified: BT task of being uploaded, exit program before will suspend the task.